
C County Road 166

Agate, CO 80105


Rural 35+ acre lot south west of Deer Trail, Colorado or West of Agate, Colorado. Electricity and Private Road to the lots. Gorgeous views and privacy. Lot C is level to the east with improved grasses and to the west has varied terrain with deep canyons and rolling native range overlooking the Middle Bijou. This parcel shares a permitted private gravel pit. Priced at $139,900. Parcel has private road frontage and electricity bordering. There are numerous building sites to choose from on each lot. Enjoy true country living and privacy in this truly rural setting overlooking the Middle Bijou Creek. These parcels overlooking the Middle Bijou Creek have super Mule Deer and Pronghorn activity. Also Turkey, Coyote, Fox and Doves. The deep canyons and diverse terrain provide a lot to explore. Come to the country! These parcels provide ample room for horses, cattle, or 4-H projects. Seller owned appurtenant mineral rights are included. In Elbert County near Deer Trail, Agate and Byers Colorado, the parcels are within one hour of Denver International Airport.
NOTE: Parcels C and D share a permitted private gravel pit. The previous owner and current owner have an agreement that the previous seller will be allowed to recover up to 100 loads of gravel within the next year. That agreement must be honored by the purchasers of these lots.


Northern Colorado Real EstateReal Estate Group